BIO 2024German Exhibitors Bicoll GmbH

Bicoll GmbH

Booth number: 4315-20

About us

At Bicoll we're committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and harnessing the power of existing compounds to address pressing healthcare challenges. Our latest endeavors in one of the projects have shown promising achievement for the landscape of anti-inflammatory treatments, CNS and taste-modulation.

1. We're delving deep into the vast pool of existing compounds, uncovering hidden potentials and repurposing them for anti-inflammatory purposes.

2. Our dedicated team of researchers is employing cutting-edge techniques and methodologies to identify compounds with promising anti-inflammatory properties and novel pathways and mechanisms of action.

3. Collaboration is at the heart of our project. By partnering with esteemed institutions and industry experts, we're fostering synergies and pooling our collective expertise to drive meaningful progress.

Our ultimate goal extends beyond scientific advancement.

Partnership/out-licensing for a re-purposing small molecule with a clear mode of action and IP.

Innovate and formulate new alternatives to the ingredients that are the target of sugar taxes.

New chemical entity in the preclinical development: antiepileptic drugs for companion animals.

Uncover the "dark matter" of medicinal plants.


Bicoll GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Planegg
Phone:  +49 89 82010630

Contact person:

Maria Lamottke
VP Business Development
Phone: +49 89 82010630

Products & Services

Medicine / Pharmaceutics
Agricultural Products / Plant Biotechnology

1. Compound Discovery Program Enhancement: Explore new horizons in agriculture and discover novel structures and small molecules to elevate your compound discovery program.

2. Out-Licensing for Repurposed Small Molecules: Bicoll provides opportunities for out-licensing of small molecules with clear modes of action and intellectual property, particularly suited for repurposing in various therapeutic areas.

3. Innovation in Sugar Tax Alternatives: Collaborate with Bicoll to innovate and formulate new alternatives to sugar-tax targeted ingredients, such as novel sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and other compounds.

4. Preclinical Development of Antiepileptic Drugs: Explore partnership opportunities with 4NEURON, Bicoll's spin-off, focused on developing antiepileptic drugs for companion animals and millions of epilepsy patients.

5. Screening Solutions for Medicinal Plants: Leverage Bicoll's expertise to uncover the "dark matter" of medicinal plants, providing innovative screening solutions.


4NEURON - lead small molecule to change the lives of 50 Mio. Epilepsy patients and companion animals.
Our innovative approach offers groundbreaking and safe treatment solutions that promise a brighter future for all. Superior Science, Superior Solutions: We have meticulously designed and developed a pioneering class of compounds that set new standards in epilepsy treatment. These compounds boast unparalleled efficacy, a remarkable safety profile, and the potential to redefine patient compliance.
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Healthy excitement for the brain

Re-purposed anti-inflammatory small molecule

New non-steroid with cortisol effect: maintained anti-inflammatory efficacy with improved safety profile.
1. Bicoll has tested and identified drug AP26784 with strong anti-inflammatory profile.
2. AP26784 is a generic compound with a known profile for different dermatologic indications.
3. New IP created (2023).
4. AP26784 has an opportunity to be re-purposed and move to other immune-induced inflammatory diseases.

Open to partnerships and out-licensing

Blockbusters for the future

Plant-based libraries have emerged as dynamic spaces that bridge the gap between scientific research and the natural world.

By cultivating an atmosphere of inspiration and sustainability, these libraries facilitate the development of new chemical structures.

Bicoll unlocks a wealth of possibilities for creating novel chemical compounds and advancing scientific knowledge in a more sustainable and nature-inspired manner.

Plant-based libraries contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

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